Author Joyce Oroz Takes a Trip to Arizona - Mysterious Burros Spotted

Boston has its Terriers, France has its Poodles and Arizona has Burros galore. They wander the deserts, looking adorable in their brown fury coats and jackrabbit ears.

Recently I was driving along a two-lane Arizona road, when half a dozen burros crossed in front of my car just three car-lengths ahead. I pulled over just as they turned and posed for a picture, and than galloped back to my side of the road for another picture. Hamming it up, they crossed the road again and waited for me to take a final shot.

Obviously the burros were undecided as to where they wanted to be, or was it a senior moment and they forgot where they left their glasses—who knows. Anyway, the Highway Patrol arrived and ushered them along to better pastures. I continued my journey, still smiling and thinking about those darling little burros.

All Photos were taken my Author Joyce Oroz

"Secure The Ranch" - Mystery
"Secure the Ranch" is available in Paperback and Kindle Format!


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