Muraling Part One - For Fun and Profit


From crude cave depictions, to twenty-first century can-art, murals decorate our lives and expound our culture. Because practically everyone on earth is familiar with pictures painted on walls, what could be a more natural decoration? Have you thought about painting a wall someday? Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? And if the painting doesn’t reach your expectations, you try again because it’s only paint!

I encourage you to envision, research and eventually paint a mural. Let go of any “must be perfect” hang-ups you might be harboring, and enjoy your own artistic creativity. If the project goes well and you enjoy the process, I will show you how to turn muraling into a profitable business.

I want to share with you some information about myself. I grew up drawing and painting and eventually turned that love of art into a career. During the last thirty years I have completed hundreds of murals, dozens of paintings, many illustrations, portraits, landscapes, seascapes, plus insignias on the side of a small airplane, a VW bug and a tow truck. If it holds still, I paint it.

Hopefully, you too, will discover the joy of painting on a grand scale, turning walls into wonderful room enhancements. A house is a house is a house, unless it has a mural in it. When a house or business has a mural, it becomes distinctive, novel, memorable and personal. People will think you were brave to attempt such a project, when in reality, you were having fun. If your first attempt didn’t work, you knew that all you needed to do was paint over it and start again.

Why decorate with a mural instead of a framed painting? Why paint a wall celery green or plum purple instead of white? Why eat a brownie when you can have a cracker? Life is what we make it, so give it the highest octane you have. Personalize your rooms. Let them speak about you and the extravagance of your imagination. Give the walls flavor and attitude and let them shine with the special creativity only you have at your disposal.
Author Joyce Oroz
Secure the Ranch is available in both Paperback and Kindle Format


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