Johanna's Carrot Joyce oroz

Today we will bounce (or hop) off the "Easter bunny theme" onto the "carrot cake theme."
My husband loves carrot cake (health food in his word) but he hates gluten-free anything except a certain recipe for gluten-free carrot cake given to me by my dear x-sister-in-law's daughter, Johanna Sherley. This cake has the texture and moistness of the real thing.

Gluten-free Carrot Cake

3 cups almond flour
1 t sea salt
1 t baking soda
1 T cinnamon
1 t nutmeg
5 eggs
1/2 cup sugar or sugar replacement
1/4 cup grapeseed oil                                                        
1 cup raisins
1 cup chopped walnuts
2 cups grated carrots

1. combine dry ingredients in large bowl
2. mix together eggs, sugar and oil in medium bowl
3. add carrots, raisins and nuts into wet ingredients
4. stir wet into dry
5. pour batter into 2 well-greased 9 inch cake pans
6. bake at 325 for about 30 minutes or more

Frost with cream cheese frosting:

whip together 16 ounces of whipped cream cheese, 2 t vanilla and 3/4 cup powdered sugar


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