Writer's Block Overcome........by Joyce Oroz

When is a facebook friend a real friend? When she understands my writing block and jumps to the rescue. My new friend, Author Rosemary Hines has some tips for those of us who write for a living, for a laugh or for no reason at all. She has shared with me an interesting way to double or tripple our word out-put per day--like up to 10,000 words!

Here are some other suggestions from Rosemary that might help. 

1. Reread the whole story you have written up to this point. Sometimes that process ignites an idea that will keep the flow going.

2. Get alone with your main character and interview her. Ask her why she is getting stuck. Where is she hoping to go next with her life and what is holding her back. Ask her to share her innermost fears with you as well as her hopes and dreams. Give her time to open up to you. Maybe she's needing a visit from someone who will encourage, motivate, or inspire her to press on with the story. Maybe she's needing to be jolted by a life altering event that neither of you expected when you began writing her story. My guess is that if YOU are stuck, it's because SHE is. 

3. Think of a captivating scene that would draw the reader in (scary, tense, exciting) and put her in the middle of that scene. Sometimes as you just begin to describe the scene and her reactions to it, she will begin to tell you the next chapter herself. 

I hope this helps you with your writing and you go on to create a mountain of books. 


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