Let's all support our local fair and save it for future generations!
The Santa Cruz County Fair is gearing up for this years “big show.”
I have the inside scoop on the Harvest Building, the showplace for local organizations like 4H, Future Farmers of America and Scouts. The Santa Cruz Technology Team from Felton 4H has installed a hands-on slider-lights display with monitors. Be sure to drop by between September 13th and 18th, and try it out for yourself. See what our teens are up to these days.
Welcome to the 2011-2012 4-H year! This year is going to be amazing. We have tons of exciting projects to offer, like archery, crafts, rocketry, carpentry, flower arranging and much, much more. And you can't forget all our amazing animal projects, like swine, goats and chickens. This year we're planning new events, community service projects and parties throughout the year.
For people new to 4-H, it's a non-profit youth organization that offers lots of fun activities and gives kids a chance to take on leadership roles. Felton 4-H is the biggest 4-H club in Santa Cruz County, and we always are busy in events like the Santa Cruz County Fair and the Spring Fair. We hope you'll join, because we're always welcoming new members! I hope everyone has a great experience in 4-H this year!
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