Ok, got the calendar, here is where you can find me for the next two months.
Saturday, November 16thand Sunday November 17th 10:00 to 4:00, I will be signing books at the AHA Holiday Art Festival in the Aromas Grange—corner of Rose and Blohm. Everyone knows about the beautiful arts and crafts produced by the Aromas Hills Artisans, but did you know they also have a fire in the fireplace and cider and cookies for sale? It’s true, so bring your Christmas list, cruise the aisles for fabulous deals and relax in front of the fire as you watch free demonstrations by various artists. Please look for my table of writers. There will be several of us, including a 12 year-old girl who has just published her first book—85,000-word fantasy. See you there!
Saturday, November 23rd2:00 to 4:00 you can find me at the Dragonfly Gallery in down town Aromas, celebrating Pat Hanson’s first book, “Invisible Grandparenting” and her title of “Artist of the Month.” She will have a reading at 3:00 pm. We hope you will attend. Enjoy the refreshments and join the conversation. Oh yeah, my books are there too.
Saturday, December 7th, 2:00 to 5:00 you can find me at the Crossroads Book Store in Watsonville, Main St. near Orchards Supply. Pick up a few things for the chicken coop—then drop by the bookstore. See you there!
Laurie Tholen's Copper Creations
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