How many times have we heard of BIGFOOT? We have all heard the rumors. Some people believe Bigfoot exists, some people don't believe in anyone taller than Michael Jordan and some of us sit on the fence waiting to see if Mr. Bigfoot comes out of the tool shed wearing sunglasses and a speedo.
Recent DNA tests prove that Mr. Bigfoot is real. He is a mixture of human and large hairy animal.
Whether you "believe" or not, The Bigfoot Discovery Museum in Felton, California is a great place to go to gather information from it's very knowledgeable owner, Mike Rugg. I prefer to believe in the big people since their dad weighs as much as my truck. I plan to stay on good terms with the whole hairy family. Here are reactions from people who have visited the Bigfoot Discovery Museum in Felton.
"What a ridiculously cool and unexpected find! I was staying at Jaye's to see a show at Don Quixote's and when I was looking something up on my iPhone map, I saw the marker "Bigfoot Discovery Museum". SAY WHAAAAT? Oh, hell yes! I nearly squealed with excitement. I had no idea."
"I loaded the kids in the car and we heading out to see it. What a neat place! The first room has tons of Bigfoot memorabilia from various TV shows, movies, magazines, and newspapers, included a display of Bigfoot articles from my beloved and now defunct Weekly World News. There was also music overhead that was Bigfoot related. Most likely from the 70's."
"I loaded the kids in the car and we heading out to see it. What a neat place! The first room has tons of Bigfoot memorabilia from various TV shows, movies, magazines, and newspapers, included a display of Bigfoot articles from my beloved and now defunct Weekly World News. There was also music overhead that was Bigfoot related. Most likely from the 70's."
"The next room had more exhibits and the wonderful and interesting Mike behind the counter. We spoke at great length about the museum and how it is in jeopardy of closing due to lack of funding. So PLEASE make a donation when you visit and buy as much stuff as you can. This place is a gem! A quirky original that needs to remain open. I was looking at some of the art work and found a sketch of Bigfoot playing the dulcimer. I asked Mike, "Is that Bigfoot playing a dulcimer?" and he told me they were his two favorite things. Awesome. He also told me about the five types of Bigfoot (Bigfeet?) which was fascinating. He said he's been studying Bigfoot for over 60 years! HE BELIEVES!"
"Days after we went, there was a piece about the museum on the news. Great timing! If you live in the Bay Area, this is definitely a neat little place to visit. The drive is beautiful and Henry Cowell Park is RIGHT there. So, be sure to drop by and say hi to Sasquatch and Mike!"
"Great place to stop! This place is small but it is packed full of fun and informative info and memorabilia of North America's most elusive primate. The owner/operator is engaging, friendly and well-informed with all of the latest sasquatch info. This is a great place to stop!
Cost: Free with a suggested $2 donation... give more if you can!"
Cost: Free with a suggested $2 donation... give more if you can!"
"It's so intimidating walking up to the place that that really sets the mood for the experience. You might be scared to talk to the unassuming yet intense man behind the counter, but that, is the real reason to go here. He's really nice, has some interesting stories and really lays out some plausible theories. The organization also puts on seminars, which I keep trying to get time to go to."
"Let's start off with the admission that I'm a critical skeptic of this topic. But my own feelings about this don't have any bearing on my review. This is a very small, owner-operated museum on Bigfoot, locally and beyond. The proprietor is absolutely delightful to chat with and his belief and passion on the subject are above reproach. It is obvious that the guy is quite knowledgeable about Bigfoot events and topics. My wife was utterly entranced with his stories and I have to admit that my own curiosity was more than a bit piqued by his facts. His tiny museum is run on donations and it shows in the humble but sincere and compelling displays. I highly recommend stopping in and chatting. And don't forget to donate generously! We need more of these interesting and diverse places to see."
"The place is tiny, but then again, the owner keeps his business running off donations. The trinkets are pretty cool and kids would love the place. The man that owns it is informative and very passionate about his discoveries on the mysterious bigfoot."
On the west side of Hwy 9 just south of town. From the intersection of Graham Hill Rd and Hwy 9, take Hwy 9 left three-quarters of a mile.
W-M 11-6 (Call to verify)
RA Rates:
"Fun location, especially if you're a Bigfoot fan like my boyfriend. The owner/curator is very passionate about his collection and research. Free admission, but small donations ($2-$5) are encouraged and worth it especially if you get to talk to him. If you're lucky, maybe he will show you his own video footage!"
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