Thrill the World Dance
These days, when you tell someone they look like a zombie it is usually taken as a compliment—unless it’s Myrtle in the morning before she colors her cheeks.
Many of our youth want to look ragged, pale, sad and desperately tired—or even dead, while older folks strive to look perky, well-dressed and good for a few rounds of golf.Did the zombie-look start because of Michael Jackson and his Thriller dance?
Our local children swarm into Santa Cruz each year around Halloween, dressed in rags and made up like hideous zombies. Cooper Street is closed to traffic, the music starts and all ages of youth dance to Jackson’s “Thriller” in the middle of the street. Obviously they have practiced the moves everyday for years—probably at Myrtle’s house. The event is over in six minutes—time to go to the Saturn Café and become a flash-mob doing another six minutes of dancing to “Thriller.”
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