The Dragonfly Gallery in Aromas is proud to announce the “Artist of the Month” for November, Kay Walters, a distinguished fuser of glass and jewelry maker. As an exceptionally talented AHA member and very nice lady, Kay answered my questions with enthusiasm.
Joyce: “Kay, please tell us about yourself and your lovely work.”
I moved from Big Sur to North Monterey County 20 years ago. I live with my miniature horses, and rescued dogs and cats.
My interest in glass started when I was a glazier in San Diego. I replaced the glass in broken windows and doors on new housing projects. I cut many sheets of glass in those days.
Around 10 years ago, I started fusing glass. I purchased a small kiln and fused up a storm. Of course, that led to a larger kiln; for awhile. Now I have 4 kilns of various sizes and shapes.
I have played with pottery and sculpting, painted on silk, painted with encaustics (wax), among other arts, but am passionate about fusing glass.
The colors pull me in and I never know exactly how a glass project will turn out. That makes it fun. I start with sheets of fusing glass, frit (various sizes and small pieces, from powder to small chunks), stringer (strings of glass), and dichroic glass (the most expensive glass, derived from space technology and made in a vacuum).
I lay out the combinations of glass and heat it in a kiln up to 1700 degrees. (Usually 1500 degrees is plenty. Some pieces are heated more than once to created depth. Some pieces are heated again to slump them into molds for bowls, etc.
Nature gives me endless ideas for fusing glass: trees, oceans, creatures.
Yes! I am Mad For Glass!!!
Glass Madness!
What is this Glass Madness that has captured my soul?
It is the myriad of colors: reds, yellows, greens, cobalt blue, mauve, violet, that light up my spirit.
It is the myriad of colors: reds, yellows, greens, cobalt blue, mauve, violet, that light up my spirit.
It is the joyous process of combining translucents, opaques, dichroics, iridescents, frits, and stringers for my inspirations.
It is the magic of the glowing, flowing, fusing process. The kiln melting the glass into a white-hot taffy-like material, the molecules connecting.
Then! After each individual artwork ever so slowly cools, it presents itself to me; inspiration for new visions that beg to be brought into the world.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Glass Madness guides my spirit and passion of creating!
Kay Walters has worked as a massage therapist for twenty-four years.
Right now she has a fine display of glass creations at the Dragonfly Gallery,
380 Blohm Ave., Aromas, CA 95004
Open10:00 to 4:00 Tues. thru Sat.
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