I have always loved sewing. I started when I was about 11 years old. I used to watch my grandmother and my aunt sew. My mother got me an old treadle sewing machine and I was off!! I made all my own clothes and my mothers too. That has continued throughout my life. About 15 years ago I had a shop in Carmel, Calif. That had been a dream for mine. I made all the clothes for the shop and they were all silk. I hand painted some of them.
You asked me about my purses that I have on etsy. Well, that is a funny thing...I had never made a purse before, but I love making them now.
As soon as I finish one I have an idea for another...I never like to
I love to paint in acrylics and pastels. I have always loved art of any kind. My easel is always up and ready to go.
Now that I am retired I have cut back on lots of things in the sewing line. I do things that don't take long to make. I will continue to make smaller items...
I read a lot, some every day. I don't have a TV so I have more time for
the things I enjoy.
I live on an island off the coast of Washington. It is the most beautiful place you can imagine. It is covered with all kinds of trees and flowers everywhere. We do have lots of rain but not as much as Seattle, thank goodness. I walk everywhere in this small village and the beaches are great. I love color and it's everywhere.

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