I have experimented with finger paints, crayons, chalk, charcoal,
ink, a zillion types of paint and a glob of clay. Some people can turn a lump of clay into a beautiful work of art—a vase, a bowl, some beads. My clay can’t make up its mind. One minute it’s a collapsing frog….squished into a bust of the Dolly Lama….reshaped into a lopsided bowl that looks like ice cream in hot weather. Three dimensional isn’t my strong suit. My DNA is not the same as Rodin. Auguste Rodin once said….. “I choose a block of marble and chop off whatever I don’t need.”
Yeah, right. I’ll try it sometime. Actually, I know a lady who can
do that with a chunk of wood. Barbara Scoles, (official Aromas Hills Artisan) sculpts her way through blocks of wood everyday, pulling out the characters locked inside (usually Santas). They aren’t just Santas. They are exquisite Santas, each one different than all the others. Each one holding a candle, a teddy bear, a puppy, a giant frog, a sack of toys—you name it, if they don’t have what you want, you ask Barbara to create a Santa with things in your life you treasure such as your cat, your antique doll or your view of the mountains. www.barbarascoles.com
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