Sidesaddle & Company.........coming soon!

Today I want to do a shout-out to the locals of Santa Cruz, San Benito and Monterey counties.
The Aromas Community Grange is proud to present Sidesaddle & Company at the Aromas Grange hall on Saturday, June 2nd, 7:30pm.
Sidesaddle & Co. has been captivating audiences with their unique acoustic sound since 1979. The five members of the band come alive in their repertoire of primarily traditional Bluegrass music, seasoned with vintage Country, Irish, Cajun and Cowboy Western, and including Gospel, Folk, Novelty and Comedy. Billboard Magazine has called their music "superbly melodic." Critics have hailed their performances as "sophisticated and highly entertaining" and their harmonies "impeccable."
Tickets will be $15 and are available at Marshall's Grocery, Aromas Feed, and Vertigo Coffee in San Juan Bautista, or online at    or for $18 at the door.
This concert will be a benefit for the Aromas Grange.
For more information and to get a map please go to

Open Studios starts Joyce Oroz

Hear Ye, hear ye, hitch up the horses, charge up the golf cart, gas up the Cadi because Open Studios starts tomorrow, April 28 and Sunday the 29th,   10:00 to 4:00.  It’s funner than fun, it’s interesting and it’s local for all you Santa Cruz, Monterey, Gilroy folks who don't want to drive too far out of your comfort zone. Just head out to the green hills of Hollister, San Juan Batista and Aromas for a FREE, self-guided tour of studios and workshops where original artwork is being created. Meet the artisans, ask questions and learn about various methods and materials. Don’t forget to shop for the perfect Mother’s Day gift—or just take Mom on the tour with you.

Open Studios Art Tour highlights the work of artists such as Barb Francis, Steve Snyder, Darlene Boyd, Jane Rekedal and Gayle Sleznick and many others, fifteen in all. You are invited to visit artist’s studios in Hollister, San Juan and Aromas. The tour features photography, paintings, sculptures, textiles, handmade jewelry, quilts, stained glass, clay and a rural winery that designs unique, hand-painted labels for their boutique wines.

The Open Studios map and artist directory is available at the Blak Sage Gallery, 727 San Benito Street, and at various artists’ studios and galleries.  You may also download a copy at For more information, please contact Jennifer at 636-2787 or See you there!

La llegada del internet sacudió el mundo de los negocios.

La llegada del Internet hizo que las empresas tuvieran otro medio de comunicación masivo para hacer sus publicidades y vender sus productos. Hoy en día se habla de esto como El Santo Grial en la 2.0. que no es mas que la combinación de tres cosas: contenido, conversación e interactividad.

En Venezuela cada día hay un crecimiento elevado de compañías que utilizan la plataforma digital; bien sea por un portal propio, por banners o las diferentes redes sociales.

El economista y presidente de Tendencias Digitales, Carlos Jimenez opina que la cifra de empresas que utilizan la plataforma digital debería ser mayor al que hay actualmente. Esto es por la falta de confiabilidad de las empresas en la red para hacer sus publicidades.

Estadísticas de la compañía comandada por Jiménez relevan que el año pasado 53% de las empresas estaban convencidas de la efectividad de Internet como medio, 19% invertía cada vez más por haber logrado buenos resultados, 17% estaba en plena etapa de experimentación con la plataforma, 8% analizaba invertir o no, y sólo 3% no creía en su efectividad.

Las redes sociales como Twitter y Facebook están siendo explotadas al máximo por las empresas para dar una mayor intervención a los internautas en la construcción de la marca.  En el encuentro "Estado de Internet en Venezuela y su impacto en los negocios", organizado por Cavecom-e a finales de marzo, se informó que 89% de las compañías criollas está presente en Twitter, 84% en Facebook, 11% en Youtube, 7% en LinkedIn, 5% en Google y Blogger, y 4% en MSN. 


Tired of Joyce Oroz

As many of you in blogland know, I have published 183 blog stories in the last 14 months. My friends set up the blog for me, published my work for me and later encouraged me to take control and publish my own blogs. I stepped out of my usual brain-fog, gathered up some courage and jumped into blogging one year ago.

To me a dashboard was something with a speedometer a clock and radio attached to it. Not in Blogland. A dashboard is the control panel, the place where you arrange your words and pictures to be published. After months of trial and error, I finally had the process figured out. And you know what happens when you think you’re doing great and have too much pride going. Wham! Blogspot changed everything. If you are reading this it means I was finally able to figure out the new hurdles, at least enough of them for a basic presentation. Blogspot, are you listening? I’m not a thechie and I DON”T LIKE CHANGE.

April Joyce Riley

Blossoms fall, branches bend,

And Crocus bows to winter’s end;

Yet, even as the snow is falling,

I hear the sounds of springtime calling.

Melting ice begins to flow.

A neighbor’s rooster starts to crow.

And Robin, singing to his mate,

Doesn’t care that spring is late.

So, with boots and parka on,

I sweep the porch and tend the lawn.

Then, upon the windowsill

Place a blooming daffodil.

Santa Joyce oroz

I have experimented with finger paints, crayons, chalk, charcoal,
ink, a zillion types of paint and a glob of clay. Some people can turn a lump of clay into a beautiful work of art—a vase, a bowl, some beads. My clay can’t make up its mind. One minute it’s a collapsing frog….squished into a bust of the Dolly Lama….reshaped into a lopsided bowl that looks like ice cream in hot weather. Three dimensional isn’t my strong suit. My DNA is not the same as Rodin. Auguste Rodin once said….. “I choose a block of marble and chop off whatever I don’t need.”
Yeah, right. I’ll try it sometime. Actually, I know a lady who can
do that with a chunk of wood. Barbara Scoles, (official Aromas Hills Artisan) sculpts her way through blocks of wood everyday, pulling out the characters locked inside (usually Santas). They aren’t just Santas. They are exquisite Santas, each one different than all the others. Each one holding a candle, a teddy bear, a puppy, a giant frog, a sack of toys—you name it, if they don’t have what you want, you ask Barbara to create a Santa with things in your life you treasure such as your cat, your antique doll or your view of the mountains.

A link to Good Health........Jill Troderman

Today I have important information from my friend, Jill Troderman,
NC about the food we eat. She suggests you go online to and sign up for the FREE, online Food Revolution Summit—find out the truth about food for yourself. John Robbins writes about healthy eating.
John Robbins could have inherited the Baskin-Robbins fortune and empire. But he walked away from all the money and the power. Why? He simply didn't want to devote his life to selling ice cream after realizing it makes people unhealthy. So he decided to make a change. Over the last 25 years, his books about healthy eating and healthy living (including bestseller Diet for a New America) have sold millions
of copies and been translated into more than 30 languages.
Ocean Robbins was born in a log cabin built by his parents, and
grew up eating food they grew together. At age 16, he co-founded an
organization called YES! (Youth for Environmental Sanity) that he directed for the next 20 years. YES! has reached more than 650,000 students in school assemblies, and organized seminars and gatherings for leaders from 65+ nations. Ocean's work took him all over the world where he saw first-hand the powerful impact of the food we eat, not just on our health, but on people and economies everywhere.
Now John Robbins and his son, Ocean Robbins, have gathered together the most revolutionary scientists, doctors and nutritionists for the first ever, international food revolution summit. They are on a mission to help YOU heal, grow and thrive.
Right now there are lots of people concerned about the future of food who want reliable, up to date information from sources they can trust.
We created this virtual summit as a way to help. Sure, there have been thousands of books, conferences, documentaries and seminars on
food. But I'm proud to announce that this is the first virtual global food
revolution summit, ever! I have hand picked all the leaders and experts to bring you the best of the best. I wanted to make this wealth of totally up-to-date information FREE to everyone, so sign up and tell your friends.
Now from Jill: Welcome Aboard and I am sure we will all be inspired. Afterwards or even before, please join me for online or in person nutritional counseling so we can put into practice what we learn.
JIll Troderman, NC, Soquel, CA Holistic Family Nutrition
4841 Soquel Dr., Soquel, CA 95073
P.S. Please join us and discover what these
fascinating people can share with you to help you and your family thrive. Pass it on!
Why The Food Revolution Summit? Why now?
A tomato crossed with a... flounder? What??? You probably already know that big agribusiness is genetically engineering your food. They don't care about the long-term health problems these practices bring. These corporations are filling your plate with chemicals, and spending billions marketing processed foods that get people addicted for life. Now it's time to find out how you and your family can LEARN MORE and take ACTION. If you're already interested in eating well, this summit will share some groundbreaking new health-information that may surprise you. Even if you're unfamiliar with what it means to eat healthy-there will be plenty of easy tips to get you feeling great about what you eat, and where it comes from. Sign up for the 2012 Food Summit Revolution to learn more.

Javelina in a Joyce Oroz

Ever see a Javelina in a haboob? Arizona is like another world, a
different planet. My comfort zone has been the California coastal Redwoods, mild temperatures, sandy beaches and sushi bars. You can imagine my shock-turning to curiosity concerning the cacti and unusual animal life in the Arizona desert. Leaving the big city behind, one cannot miss the adorable groupings of hairy brown donkeys wandering the landscape. Palo verde trees abound, just look for trees
with gobs of yellow flowers supported by a green trunk and green branches. If that’s not exciting enough, guess who comes out at night and trashes the homeowner’s trash? It’s the Javelina (have-a-leen-ah) a mammal related to the pig, the hippopotamus and Donald Duck. It roots for food until the owner’s property looks like a haboob hit it. What’s a haboob? A dust storm, yikes!—only in Arizona. If all that isn’t enough, stick around for the spectacular sunsets!

Ofrece a tus clientes una mayor participación en tu empresa ecológica

Los clientes ya no son sólo testigos pasivos frente a los esfuerzos de las empresas ecológicas muchas empresas se están alejando del marketing convencional y están creando sus propias campañas con un enfoque ambiental que anima a los clientes a ser parte de ellas. Estas iniciativas pueden generar más buena voluntad de los consumidores, ya que están ofreciendo una vía genuina para marcar diferencia.

Gran parte de este cambio está siendo impulsado por la creciente influencia de los medios de comunicación social, que permite a una empresa que sus esfuerzos ecológicos sean más transparentes y creando asi una conversación de dos vías. Decirle a la gente que está con el medio ambiente no es suficiente ya, hay que discutir con ellos y participar.

El minorista Old Navy, por ejemplo, en la primavera pasada decidió en una asociación con Terracycle recoger de los clientes zapatillas de playa usadas y viejas que podrían ser recicladas en juegos infantiles y posteriormente ser donados a las escuelas y grupos comunitarios. Best Buy recientemente descontaba 10 euros de las compras de sus clientes al llevarles aparatos electrónicos y recomendando a los clientes a reciclar los ordenadores más antiguos y los monitores a través de sus tiendas.

Para muchas pequeñas empresas, convertir a los clientes en participantes puede ser tan simple como pedirles que lleven sus propias bolsas de compras reutilizables a la tienda o inscribirse para recibir boletines de noticias o estados de cuenta. Sin embargo, las campañas más eficaces a menudo dan un paso más y consiguen ser un poco más creativos: estas campañas con una iniciativa única inspiran a los clientes que quieren hacer más para ayudar al planeta y sentirse bien con ello.

Una campaña muy interesante: en el Swing Salon, un salón de belleza en la ciudad de New York , los clientes donaron pelo a una organización de San Francisco sin fines de lucro que utiliza los restos de cabello para crear alfombras que absorbían petróleo del derrame de petróleo del Golfo con el fin de proteger la vida silvestre.

Este tipo de iniciativas, aunque requiere un esfuerzo extra o no por parte de los clientes, pueden ser particularmente efectivos y así tener más clientes leales en una época en que los consumidores buscan más autenticidad y un comportamiento socialmente responsable de los negocios que suelen usar.


TSA verses little old Joyce Oroz

I buckled up and the plane rattled down the runway until it passed
some magical marker and suddenly lifted its belly full of passengers into the air. My mind flashed back to the cattle arrangement I had zigzagged through, the stripping of shoes and the threat of x-ray. As I stood in line with other shoeless travelers, a rickety old white woman in a wheel chair was forced to stand in front of the big “X” machine for a picture session which went on and on and on because she was unable to hold her body still. Her ruffled dress swayed as her arms stretched and flailed above her head. Mr. TSA coached and encouraged the lady as he stood ready to catch her if necessary. A gentleman standing in front of me saw the disgraceful situation and darted sideways to another line. I followed him. We passed through with no pat-down, no x-ray and no wacky wanding what-so-ever. So let’s all thank the TSA for keeping us safe from little old ladies in wheelchairs and for spending ten
times the money as previous private companies. Our tax money, actually.

Glued to her Joyce Oroz

There is a woman who lives in a small, out-of-the-way Arizona
desert town. Most of the town’s residents know her as the kindly elderly woman who creates books for children out of magazine and calendar pictures. She donates the picture books to children’s hospitals all over Arizona, California and Oregon, including St. Vincent de Paul and El Zaribah Shrine. You might ask why, at age 89, she works so hard.
Five years ago Dorothy became a widow. Instead of feeling sorry
for herself, she began collaging flower pots and various items around her house to make them colorful. She had so much fun cutting, gluing and creating, she began making collage placemats. She had the placemats laminated and gave many of them to the local fire house and senior center to dress up their tables.
But Dorothy had another idea. She cut and glued magazine pictures
of puppies, kittens, ponies and all things cuddly and cute until she had created many two-sided pages. She tied the pages together with colorful ribbons, creating little picture books and sent a couple dozen off to a very grateful Schriner’s hospital. When she heard that the sick children loved the books, she stepped up production. As of April 2012, she has made and sent 1,372 books to various hospitals, spreading the smiles—hers included.
And she just happens to be my mom!
Dorothy's placemats can be purchased at the Dragonfly Gallery in Aromas.