Excitement is building....no, it's not the big "Z." Aromas is about to open a new gallery where local artists will show their work. The Aromas Hills Artisans are involved clear up to their paint shirts. Several artists have volunteered to paint the conspicuously bland outside walls of the gallery with a mural. The boring white walls have already been painted lavender, which corrected a pepto bismo moment. Who knew a lovely little color chip could mutate into yards of shocking flamingo pink. Being an ex-muralist, and wishing no harm to the neighborhood, I quickly threw two buckets of white paint and half a bucket of black into the five gallons of pink bubble gum goo. Soon, a luscious lavender appeared on the walls complimented by teal trim. Now for the really exciting finale. Imagine rocks, ponds, trees, reeds and DRAGONFLIES. Yes, giant dragonflies....after all, it is the Dragnfly Gallery!
Wish us luck and stay tuned.
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