Author, Columnist, Dreamer
Julie Seedorf is a Cozy Cat Press writer and this week, our very own celebrity. Her newest book, Granny Hooks a Crook, is rated number ONE for cozy mysteries at Amazon!!
Never quit dreaming is Julie's motto. Dreams are the gateway to fun, fantasy and the future.
It seems Julie and I have much in common with family and writing, etc., but besides all that, our names are easy to find on the internet because no one else has them.
Now, here is Julie in her own words.
"I always liked to write but life got in the way as an adult. A few years ago I had a bad fall and ended up with surgery and laying flat on my back with my leg up for six weeks. It gave me time to reflect on my life. At that time I sent in a query to an area newspaper in a bigger community along with a mock column to see if they needed a columnist. I call the column "Something About Nothing" There are many somethings in the nothings we talk about every day. Occasionally it is a serious column but mostly it is fluffy so people can have a break from the bad news. That was seven years ago and the column is going strong. Over the years after that I have started books, loved by my friends when they have read excerpts, but never finished them because of many ups and downs in my personal family life. Two years ago I had another serious illness and I knew I had to change my life. I had quit doing the things I loved. So I started writing on my blog about my grandkitties as we were taking care of them at their house. It is in the cats voices, wondering why their parents had left them in the control of two strangers. It was well received on my blog. At the same time I collaborated with my Grandchildren about a book called Whatchamacallit? Thingamajig? with them in it. I published it on Amazon and CreateSpace by myself just so they would have a book to remember me by. It is going to be series about Grandparents and their Grandchildren. Then on a lark I started writing a story about the fictional town Fuchsia, Minnesota and Granny. Every day I woke up with a new chapter in my head. I called it a God thing because it got me more out of my depression about life's circumstances and giving my creative brain a whirl. That is how Granny Hooks A Crook became a reality. This year Cozy Cat Press accepted me as a writer and published Granny Hooks A Crook."
"When I write I lose track of time and I lose track of where I am. The words seem to flow out of my heart. My writing makes me happy and it releases the silly creative part of me that is not always accepted in the public. The hardest part about writing is that here are those that who do not understand the creative process, the need for uninterrupted time and also people who do not take a writing seriously. They treat it as a frivolous pastime. It also bugs me that there never seems to be enough time to write."
"I write for a few area newspapers. I have three blogs;,, They are each different. I am also going to be doing freelance articles for some So. Minnesota newspapers. They will be human interest stories that focus on people who are often overlooked but have meaningful stories to tell. They will start in September."

"I would love to be more like my character Granny, Hermiony Vidalia Criony Fiddlestadt. She is perky, tough, mischievous, loving, straight to the point, a little bit sneaky and she cares about others around her. She doesn't let age get her down. I think some of Granny is a little like my mother was. She couldn't go to the nursing home because there were old people there. My mother never thought of herself as old. She did her own thing, even crawling up on her roof to repair it at 90 years old and she was cantankerous. Of course Granny (Hermione's) biggest weakness is her love of unhealthy food and her nose for trouble but that is also where her strengths come in. I hope Granny is like me in that she cares deeply for her neighbors and her family even when she is thwarting their attempts to help her."
"My books can be found on,, They can also be found in the Mankato Barnes and Noble Store and they are available for order from there. They are also available at Book World in Albert Lea. My column can be found at My website is I am creating t-shirts, mugs etc. that go with my book. I also will have other works of my art available there. This will probably happen in the next month or two.
I would like to thank everyone for all their support especially for Joyce for having me as a guest on her blog."
Thank you, Julie for giving us a colorful picture of your life. I think your “Granny” character is a lot like you—very likable!
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