One of my favorite blog subjects is art, and most favorite is the mural subject. Today I finished painting a 16 foot mural for the owners of a really green, organic and lovely apple farm in Aromas. The Matulich farm is a dream come true, a beautiful, functional apple orchard on a large scale with it's own spring water year-round. Naturally they wanted to bring the orchard indoors for a closer look. Now that the orchard and hills behind it have been painted on two large boards, they will be installed in a new indoor-outdoor room in the west end of the main house at the Matulich farm.This picture shows the first few hours of work, starting at the top--painting a sunny-day-sky. Then the green hills turning gold and a one-lane road heading up and over the pass.Now we add oak and redwood trees, a stone retaining wall, water storage tanks and the spring. Far-away things first, always moving toward the foreground, lower and lower.
Here we see the mid-section of the mural--an apple orchard with hills and trees in the background.
Close-up of the spring area.
Happy muraling everyone!
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