pottery by Jane Rekedal
My friend, Jane Rekedal, talented potter, teacher and all around good person has news for us. She wants everyone to know about a really cool class in soft slab clay work, in other words, making pottery without a potter's wheel.
Elaine Pinkernell's Soft Slab
Handbuilding Workshop
Saturday, May 18 1pm—7pm
Blossom Hill Crafts
15900 Blossom Hill Rd, Los Gatos
For more info and to register online go to
This is a hands-on workshop using tar paper to make functional pieces. All skill levels
welcome. Using tar paper templates we will do soft slab building to create mugs, vases,
bowls and more. Beginning as well as experienced hand builders find this to be a fun
and interesting technique. I will demonstrate basic forms in the morning and will guide
you through their construction for an action packed afternoon. I will also demonstrate
how to glaze your textured pieces in the way I do for my product line. See more of my
work at www.elainepinkernell.com.
Things to bring:
1. A sack lunch.
2. Any tools you may already have for clay work. (or you can share mine)
3. Texturing tools, such as a piece of driftwood, rocks, buttons, forks, screw
drivers, etc. Start looking at everything in terms of what it would look like to
push it into some clay! I have tools to share if you bring nothing!
4. Your own clay if you plan on taking your pots away with you at the end of
the workshop. A box or boards to pack them in/on with plastic as well.
5. Clay can be purchased at BHC which includes firing fees and final glazing at a
later date.
Questions: elaine@elainepinkernell.com or 831-763-1674
For folks in Monterey Country and surrounding areas, here is an opportunity to see some beautiful art!

Arts Habitat Presents
Jan Wagstaff
at Arts in Progress
Museum of Monterey
5 Customs House Plaza, Monterey
Tuesday, May 28, 7:00 to 9:00 P.M.
$5 Admission Fee
2 hours free parking at Fisherman's
Wharf lot with local ID
Jan Wagstaff
Arts Habitat will present Jan Wagstaff, painter, at Arts in Progress (AIP) on Tuesday, May 28, in a presentation entitled, "Painting From the Realm of the Senses".
AIP takes place the fourth Tuesday of each month from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. This month AIP will again take place at the Museum of Monterey, 5 Customs House Plaza, Monterey. The event is open to the public, the admission fee is $5 and complimentary refreshments are served. The first and last half hours are devoted to socializing and community building.
A native Californian, Jan Wagstaff was born and raised in the town of Larkspur in Marin County. Inheriting her creative genes from a grandfather who was a San Francisco artist and architect, Wagstaff learned to paint as a young girl, attempting to copy his watercolors. She also studied and danced classical ballet until her early twenties.
Wagstaff received her formal art training at Oakland's renowned California College of the Arts, where she earned both her Bachelor's and Master's degrees in textiles. For eight years after graduating, she directed a progressive textile department combining weaving and painting on woven canvases at California State University Chico.
In 1983 Wagstaff took a break from her professorship and began designing women's clothing under the label JWag & Co. in Carmel. She then returned to arts education as an instructor of drawing and painting at York School in Monterey---a position she still holds. Throughout this time she has actively contributed to local professional and community organizations, including service as president of the Board of Directors for both the Arts Council for Monterey County and the Carmel Art Association, with whom she has been an Artist Member since 1996.
Over the past four decades Jan Wagstaff's paintings have been exhibited in museums and galleries world-wide and acquired for private and public collections around the globe. Her artwork has garnered extensive reviews, and she has been awarded numerous Artist-in-Residence opportunities, grants, fellowships and prizes.
Wagstaff's imagery derives primarily from nature, which she renders in oil on canvas. She is especially drawn to marshland grasses, aspen canopies, birds in flight, waterways and reflections. Says Jan, "As I observe the natural world, I am ever conscious of how I am experiencing it---how all of my senses play a part in my perception. My work is about seasons, sounds, texture, movement and shapes. It is about blending colors, subtleties of light and dark, and things near and far. About seeing and celebrating the ordinary such that it becomes extraordinary. My paintings are visual entertainment but even more, I hope they encourage viewers to recall places that hold special meaning to them."
Arts in Progress will be held in a new location:
Museum of Monterey (MOM)
5 Customs House Plaza, Monterey
2 hours free parking at Fisherman's Wharf with ID listing a zip code starting with 939. Enter from Washington Street. Additional free parking after 6 p.m. in the Calle Principal garage located on Calle Principal between Franklin and Jefferson Streets.
Upcoming AIP Events
At Museum of Monterey:
June 25: Terri DeBono & Steven Rosen, MAC+AVA Films
July 23: Barbara Fernando, Batista-Moon commercial photographers
At the Oldemeyer Center, Seaside:
Aug 27: John Hudson, blacksmith
Sept 24: Bob Phillips, jazz musician piano and clarinet
Oct 22: Karen Gelff, ceramics
Nov & Dec: No Events
The work and programs of Arts Habitat are made
possible in part by these sponsors
With support from the Monterey County Board of Supervisors
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