Here is a suggestion for summer-get-away reading material.
Read My Lipstick is now available from Kindle and all e-books through Smashwords. Read My Lipstick is the second novel in the Josephine Stuart Mystery Series. You don’t need to read Secure the Ranch to understand this new story involving murder and a plot to turn farmland into a strip mall. Josephine discovers an old man at the bottom of the stairs. He lets her know that he was struck on the back of the head before he fell. When the man dies, Josephine automatically begins her search for the killer. Her innate curiosity has her stepping on toes to put the clues together. At the same time, Josephine is trying to save her friend’s farmland from an eminent domain maneuver by the county. She realizes someone is tampering with a critical vote by the county supervisors. One supervisor is missing and the eminent domain vote is tied. The person behind the land-grab and murder lures Josephine to a cabin in Tahoe and is prepared to shut her up for good.
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