Five Necessary Skills to Keep Your Career on Track--2nd edition by Richard (Scott) Pearson

Richard Pearson, better known as, Scott, has a new version (second edition) of his "5 Necessary Skills to Keep Your Career on Track". It is timely and a must-have book for anyone concerned about their current job or the job they are searching for. Scott's credentials stretch around the globe, but he brings home a down-to-earth message everyone can use. This is an author and a book I whole-heartedly recommend.
Joyce Oroz

Richard S. Pearson 3:22pm Jun 20th
I need your help to get my latest book “5 Necessary Skills to Keep Your Career on Track 2nd Edition” in the hands of more people who need it. Right now the average time for a job search is almost 10 months – the longest since the Labor Dept. started keeping records in 1948. My book will never make money – I’m doing this for a goodwill hobby and because I believe it will help almost anyone at any level in their career. Please click on the link and give a review on the book and scroll down to “Tags Customers Associate with This Product.” Click the ones most checked and it will drive more searches to my book. If you don’t want to buy the book, click on “look inside” and read parts to base your review. If you are one of the 810 who bought the first book you don’t need to buy this one – as the 5 skills are the same – I just got rid of the problems leading up to the jobs/careers challenges of today. The new edition is a look forward at the future of jobs and how we have to go about finding and landing one in today’s tough job market. Please do not delay – I want to get this book out to a much larger audience. Thank you.


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